
To install, jus run:

$ npm install mercurio-lives

or, with Yarn:

$ yarn add mercurio-lives


Babel Mercurio Helmet plugin

The Babel Mercurio Helmet plugin extracts the default values from your <Mercurio> tags and adds them to the locales files.

To install the Babel plugin, you must add this to your Babel config file (usually .babelrc):

plugins: [
"locales": ["pt", "en"],
"filesOutput": "./src/mercurio/"


locales (required):

These are going to be the available languages on your site. It's an array of strings with the locales names. Following the above example, the follow locales files will be generated: pt.json and en.json.

filesOutput (optional):

This is where all the Mercurio's generated files will be outputted. if you don't specify this, it'll create and output in a folder called mercurio in your project's root.

Webpack Mercurio Boots plugin

The Webpack Mercurio Boots plugin will do multiple actions:

  • Merge all the locales files generated by the Babel plugin into a unique file called translations.json.
  • "injects" it into the React components, so you don't need to manually import this.
  • Watches the generated files for changes, so it can reload if you change some translation.

This only works on webpack 4.x for now!

Add the following in your webpack config file:

const MercurioBoots = require('mercurio-lives/lib/webpack-mercurio-boots')
plugins: [
new MercurioBoots()